So far, the only Korean series I've able to enjoy was Kingdom. The antagonists in Uncanny Counter on the other hand just seemed like psychotic humans their behaviour is not really supernatural. I mean in Japanese media, like studio ghibli movies and anime, the antagonists in the fantasy genre are always grotesque monsters. I noticed while watching the series that I don't really know any korean monsters. Something like a korean Trese (2021) but somehow less folklore-ish. The latter breaks the fourth wall for me because I know that the writer wrote that on purpose to toy with the viewer's emotions.

I mean it wasn't that bad, it's just that I don't like it when there are loopholes in the plot, and when one of the protagonists die and then be resuscitated back to life. He recommended Uncanny Counter and my verdict (upon watching 16 hours of it) was that I didn't enjoy it. I don't like watching kdramas but I watched one anyway because I like this guy who's flirting with me.